G. Kobler Automatisierung & Industriesoftware


Our Firebird - Monitor contains the complete range of functions.

Analysis monitoring tables


All prices below are in USD. VAT may still apply in the country of purchase

Databases Monitoring only Trace and Audit only Monitoring + Trace and Audit
One 150.00 225.00
Two 180.00 255.00
Five 200.00 275.00
Ten 250.00 325.00
Trace and Audit 150.00
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If you think our prices are high, remember that our licenses are valid for life and you will receive updates for life.

If the above options are not enough for you, please contact us. We would be happy to make you an offer

G. Kobler Automatisierung & Industriesoftware

Industriestrasse 28, 9100 Herisau, Switzerland

+41-71-350 05 85

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